Planning a trip to Cookeville with your pet?

Pamela Smoak's complaint naming Cookeville Police officer Eric Hall for murder of her dog

New: The Eric Hall Cook Book
Click here for dog recipes


To read some Putnam Pit record files you need Acrobat Reader, and you can download it here for free. Also, the complaint file is big -- 4.5MB -- so give it time to open.



Cookeville animal control:
Death. Death. Death.

City's dead animal rate grows 23 times faster than increase in calls, records show.


What's the pattern, Chief Terryble?


As far as killing animals goes,

Eric Hall is a slacker by Cookeville standards

Putnam Pit editor

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 17, 2003) – Dozens of Cookeville residents – many affiliated with the city and its police department –
c. Allen Fredrickson photosturned out for Thursday’s City Council meeting to show support for Police Officer Eric Hall, who on New Year’s Day turned his shotgun on the pet dog of a North Carolina family falsely arrested, handcuffed and detained alongside I-40 as they passed through town. Story

I've been watching and you weren't praying,' cop writes

Police monitor who prays at City Council meeting

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 16, 2003) -- A Cookeville police officer who once filed complaint against Chief Bob Terry for trying to interfere in investigations now writes to people whose eyes aren't closed during prayer at City Council meeting. Could intimidation for not closing eyes during government enforced prayer at City Council meeting mean more civil rights defense business for City Attorney T. Michael O'Mara? Letter to the Editor

God's man in Cookeville?

City Attorney T. Michael O'Mara
c. 2003 Allen Fredrickson

View the shooting video

Cookeville contacts

City Manager 1(931)528-7767
City Attorney 1(931)526-1700
Mayor  1(931)526-7608 or 1(931)528-5677


Cookeville's watchdog press
'Going where no dog has gone before -- and without a leash!'  -- Dog X

Hear a call to Cookeville PD asking whether they know what the Fourth Amendment is.
Click here for .wav file

Dog shooting revisited:

As the Herald-Citizen sleeps, the Tennessean reports that the THP exaggerated


If Cookeville had a free press would Patton still be alive?

Putnam Pit columnist

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 12, 2002) – A brief discussion of the law that governs police officers is in order. Most police officers do not know the law. A link on The Pit today is a telephone conversation that shows police uncertainty over the Fourth Amendment, the most significant law regarding arrests of individuals and the highest law in the land regarding arrests. True, the Fifth Amendment as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court (particularly Arizona vs. Miranda) has impact on police procedure as well but the Fourth Amendment directly defines the limits of of governmental power in searching and seizing people and their property.

If the Tennessee Highway Patrol calls the stop of the Smoaks family a "textbook" stop, then I’d like to know what textbook they are reading. The Gestapo Technique perhaps?    Read the Column

Poor discipline is old story in Cookeville PD

By Geoff Davidian
The Putnam Pit

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 4, 2002) -- There is a history of recklessness among Cookeville police for years before a cop blew a pet dog's head off Jan. 1, 2003.  Click here for more

Honorable Mayor Womack:

Please take immediate action, and explain to a disgusted nation how a policeman can blast a dogs head off, lie about it,  be exposed on video, and still at this time, be employed in law enforcement.  The world is watching, and won't  go away.


Link to What Really Happened

Join these folks and sign the Putnam Pit's petition asking for a thorough investigation of Cookeville and Putnam County -- Petition

Your tax dollars at work

"It was just a ******' dog!"

Cookeville City Mismanager Jimmy Dale Shipley, who sought to kill all suggestions that there were problems in his city,  might just as well have said in defense of his choice of the least qualified candidate for Chief of Police, who has had nothing but scandals since his ascension to the Broad Street Throne.

'Yavol, You're still going to bring your pets here and buy gas, aren't you?'

Das Cookeville City Mismanager
Jimmy Dale Shipley

Running out of excuses for poor performance . . .  

Dog shooting by Cookeville police officer draws outrage from city residents, national press

Dog killer

Commercial Appeal

Winston-Salem Journal
Raleigh News-Observer (wire story)