The Putnam Pit, Page 3

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    The Putnam Pit's attorney, Samuel J. Harris, filed a memorandum of law Monday in United States District Court in Nashville, arguing that the City of Cookeville "thwarted" the Pit in its ability to function as an investigative newspaper. Harris says that the government's arguments to the court are self-serving," while it engages  in blatant censorship of ideas they disapprove." The complaint is also online. 

From The Independent

So now we've got another piece of garbage, this one named Timmy Easter -- one of Joe Baugh's punks -- tossed on the stinking heap we call the 21st Judicial District.

Coming soon, we hope:
Good ol' boys on overtime
 Some Cookeville police officers are making 20 to 40 hours in overtime pay each two-week pay period.

        By GEOFF DAVIDIAN, Putnam Pit editor

  • Yeee-Haww!!: If you like politics, you'll love TheInde's coverage of this Republican fundraiser at the Opryland Hotel. 

No shame. 
No blame. 
No guilt.
No conscience.
Help the City of Cookeville
avoid further civil rights suits

  • Reno Martin case: Cookeville Police Major Fred C. White Jr. reneges on offer to take lie detector test. Chief Bill Benson will not force the issue. (You won't read this in the local  advertising circular, The Herald-Citizen)

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