4101 N. Prospect Ave.

Shorewood, WI. 53211


January 31, 2005


Ms. Beth Carey

Shorewood Public Library

3920 N. Murray Ave.

Shorewood, WI  53211 


Re: Your continued denial of a Web link, referring to two sets of documents posted at http://www.putnampit.com/shorewoodvillage/Library/response.pdf and http://www.putnampit.com/shorewoodvillage/Library/response2.pdf


Ms. Carey:


In reviewing the correspondence I have collected as well as the material you provided to me in response to my request for public records, I find the following:


1. In corresponding with me, you state that links are included on your Web site when they are used by and useful to your librarians.

2. In seeking input from others, you repeat that my “site has been characterized by the local paper as ‘satirical’ and is critical of local officials.”

3. You had no policy in place regarding placing links but developed one as your “initial thought” in response to my request.

4. You sought quick responses because “this will not go away.”


Ms. Carey, do you have any books in your library that can be called “satire?” How is my “satire” different than other satire by library standards? Is it by your taste?


Why did you describe my Web site in the terms quoted by “the local paper as ‘satirical,’” when other papers have referred to the site as “comprehensive” and “relentless?” Did the words “satirical” and “critical” seem negative to you?


Ms. Carey, in seeking to gather advice on how to refuse me a link without facing legal issues, did you explain to those from whom you sought it that the site also has the most comprehensive non-government-controlled collection of Shorewood-related records in the world, including documents from the police, members of the Village Board, former officials’ email, records of court proceedings, legal pleadings, audio recordings of historical Board meetings, investigations, interviews, commentary and editorials? Why is that information about Shorewood not important to librarians?

Did you explain that we had the only copy of the Village budget available to the public before the Board voted on it?


Did you tell them we have the only price comparisons of grocery stores serving the village? Did you mention that we have the Health Department complaints about Village restaurants?


Did you tell them that when Mr. Hanewall and Trustee Eckman falsely stated that they were “independent” candidates for trustee, ShorewoodVillage.com published accurate records of political contributions showing which contributors gave identical amounts of money to which candidates? Is that satire or information useful to patrons who vote in the Village?


To diminish a valuable resource while purportedly seeking “advice” from others in such a way that you elicit comments that this site is a “cybergripe” site is like calling the library a pornography merchant. Certainly, you would not restrict your definition of the Shorewood public library as a place “a major national newspaper says loans adult oriented materials to children,” would you?


I understand that you, Mr. Jeff Hanewall, your children and others close to you in your professional or personal capacity may have been criticized or lampooned by ShorewoodVillage.com, yet you have documents critical of the King of England, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and other officials. Why is criticism of Shorewood officials or residents different by library standards? Isn’t the library where you make available just those materials? You have the Shepherd Express, which advertises for phone sex, gay dating, alcohol and tobacco. Is “satire” unacceptable when the Shepherd Express meets your high standard? You have the Journal Sentinel, which reported on and was critical of the illegal meeting at City Market with Trustee Eckman and former Trustee Langenkamp, why do you link to that paper?


Again, I ask you to reconsider your denial of a link in light of your mission statement: “The mission of the Shorewood Public Library is to serve persons of all ages who seek a variety of library materials, information and programs to meet personal, recreational, educational, and professional needs.”


In fact, Ms. Carey, the site you so emphatically reject is exactly the site that my logs show library employees visit using government computers -- the best sign of all that ShorewoodVillage.com is a site used by librarians in their employment capacity -- unless they are surfing the net on taxpayer time for their own entertainment, in which case you may be overstaffed.


Very truly yours,



Geoff Davidian

Cc:       Village Board